12th Grade
Athletic Involvement:
Swimming and Diving, Softball, Poms, Student Council, Minnesota Honors Society, Class Officer, Yearbook, Volunteers in Education, Tutoring, Knowledge Bowl, Youth in Action, Student School Board Representative
Extracurricular School Activities/Community Involvement:
Tutoring with Volunteers in Education, tutoring other students, Highway Clean up with Minnesota Honors Society (MHS), new member initiation (MHS), memorial day program (MHS)
The first reason why is because what I listed is probably not even half of all the things that she has been involved in while in high school. Carly has put herself in everything and anything that she can and unfortunately, I did not have time to get a full list from her and have had to provide what I know and another teacher knew. The second reason for me is because she has consistently done what she needed to do in every single part of her life, academically, athletically, personally, socially, etc. to put her at the top of my list. There is no other student in her grade level that can compare.